Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Parenting theory Essay Example

Child rearing hypothesis Essay Child rearing organization will attempt to respond to 2 inquiry: which business would it be advisable for us to possess? What child rearing methodology will get the best execution from those busineses? Rather than taking a gander at how organizations identify with each other, a parent association should see how well its expertise fit its organizations needs and in the case of possessing them makes or obliterate worth. Child rearing hypothesis recommend that most CEO should worry with two pivotal inquiries: what business should this organization, as opposed to match, own and why? Furthermore, What organization structure. The board procedure and reasoning will encourage predominant execution from its organizations? The best parent organizations make more an incentive in their organizations than opponents would. We will compose a custom paper test on Parenting hypothesis explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Parenting hypothesis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Parenting hypothesis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Multi business unite under a parent organization organizations that might be free. Such parent organization can legitimize themselves financially just of their impact makes esteem. For instance: The parent organization can improve marketable strategy and spending plan , advance better linkages among them, give particularly able focal capacity or settle on insightful decisions in its own acquisitions , divestment and new pursuits. How corporate child rearing increase the value of its organizations units? That happen when the guardians abilities and assets fit well with the requirements and chances of the organizations. On the off chance that there is certainly not a fit, the parent is likely pulverize esteem. A parent that doesn't comprehend the basic achievement factors in a business is probably going to demolish vale. To include esteem: ICM, Restructure, Knowledge, move expertise and sharing exercises. A parent without point by point information on a business advertise my not know about the chance to join deals. Collaboration. Five kind of cooperative energies: Cost reserve funds, Revenue upgrades, process enhancements, budgetary designing and tax cut. COST SAVINGS This is the most well-known kind of cooperative energy and the simplest to evaluate. Subside Shaw, head of mergers and acquisitions at the British compound and pharmaceutical organization ICI, alludes to cost reserve funds as hard collaborations and calls attention to that the degree of conviction that they will be accomplished is very high. For the most part, they originate from wiping out employments, offices, and related costs that are not, at this point required when capacities are merged, or they originate from economies of scale in buying. Cost reserve funds are probably going to be particularly huge when one organization procures another from a similar industry in a similar nation. For instance, SBC Communications, the previous South-western Bell, acknowledged considerable cost investment funds when it obtained Pacific Telesis. Inside the initial two years of this merger, SBC spared more than $200 million in data innovation working and support costs. It additionally spared cou ntless dollars by joining the combined organizations buying power. Despite the fact that cost reserve funds are the most effortless cooperative energy to figure, excessively idealistic projections surely happen, so you have to look cautiously at the numbers you 1 re gave. In the event that youre assessing projections, know about three basic issues. To start with, investigators may neglect the way that meanings of cost classifications differ from organization to organization. (For instance, are guarantee costs remembered for the expense of creation or the expense of deals?) So it might give the idea that there are more handily wiped out expenses in a classification than end up being the situation. Second, costs are brought about in better places relying upon the structure of each organization. Acquirers may expect they can take out more corporate or divisional regulatory expenses than they really can in light of the fact that fundamental work is completing in surprising spots. Third, it is simpler to take out situations than the individuals who fill them. Regularly an occupation is killed on paper, yet the individual in the activity is gifted and should be moved ewhere in the organization. In this manner, if a combination Ins to recommend that 200 employments are bound for the hatchet, that doesnt imply that 200 pay rates are, as well Acquirers frequently think little of to what extent it will take to acknowledge cost investment funds. Here and there that happens in light of the fact that the plans indicating how coordination will continue are inadequately itemized. In different cases, it happens in light of the fact that the individuals in the two organizations are impervious to change, and ranking directors frequently postpone settling on extreme cost cutting choices. Also, obviously, the more it takes for cost reserve funds to be understood, the less worth they make. Income ENHANCEMENTS Its occasionally feasible for an acquirer and its objective to accomplish a more elevated level of deals development together than either organization could all alone. Income upgrades are famously difficult to gauge, be that as it may, in light of the fact that they include outer factors outside administrations ability to control. The client base of the obtained organization, for example, may respond contrarily to various costs and item includes. A consolidated client base may dismiss making such a large number of buys from a solitary provider. Also, contenders may bring down their costs in light of a securing. Income upgrades are so hard to foresee, truth be told, that some astute organizations dont even incorporate them while ascertaining cooperative energy esteem. Matthew Slatter, the CEO of Bank of Melbourne, says, We model this [revenue enhancements], yet never consider it the cost. Thus, Peter Shaw at ICI thinks of them as delicate cooperative energies and limits them vigorousl y in counts of collaboration esteem. Regardless of their risks, income improvements can make genuine worth. Now and again the objective carries a better or corresponding item than the more broad circulation channel of the acquirer. That happened when Lloyds TSB obtained the Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society (which had a superior home-advance item) and Abbey Life (which had protection items). In the two cases, Lloyds TSB had the option to offer those items to its drastically bigger retail client base, in this manner producing more income than the three elements could have done separately. Also, having obtained Duracell for a 20% premium, Gillette was affirmed in its desire that selling Duracell batteries through Gillettes existing channels for individual consideration items would build deals, especially globally. Gillette sold Duracell items in 25 new markets in the main year after the procurement and significantly expanded deals in set up global markets. In different occurrences, an objective companys appropriation channel can be utilized to raise the deals of the getting companys item. That happened at Gillette when it gained Parker Pen. In figuring what it could pay, Gillette assessed that it is ready to get an extra $25 million in deals for its own Waterman pens by exploiting Parkers conveyance channels. A last sort of income improvement happens when the greater, post-securing organization increases adequate minimum amount to draw in income neither one of the companies would have had the option to acknowledge alone. Consider what happened when ABN and AMRO converged to shape ABN AMRO, the huge Dutch bank. A short time later, other enormous banks pulled the new organization in on coordinated advances that neither ABN nor AMRO would have been approached to take an interest in independently. Procedure IMPROVEMENTS Cost investment funds come about because of wiping out duplication or from buying in volume; income improvements are produced from consolidating various qualities from the two associations. Procedure upgrades, on the other hand, happen when directors move best practices and center skills starting with one organization then onto the next. That outcomes in both cost investment funds and income upgrades. The exchange of best practices can stream in either course. The acquirer may purchase an organization in light of the fact that the objective is particularly acceptable at something. Alternately, the acquirer may see that it can definitely improve the objectives execution in a key region due to some skill the acquirer has just aced. Take the instance of National Australia Banks acquisition of Florida contract loan specialist HomeSide. HomeSide has an incredibly effective home loan adjusting process that NAB plans to move to its financial tasks in Australia, New Zealand, and. the United Kingdom. The equivalent was valid for ABN AMRO when it gained the U.S. business bank Standard Federal. All things considered, process enhancements went connected at the hip with cost reserve funds: since its home loan activity was so productive, SF in the long run assumed control over the consolidated banks whole home loan business. Item advancement procedures can likewise be improved with the goal that new items can be delivered at lower cost and get the chance to showcase quicker. Such was the situation when Johnson Controls procured Prince Corporation, a creator of back view mirrors, entryway boards, visors, and different pieces of vehicle insides. Ruler was better than Johnson Controls at understanding clients needs-both existing and foreseen and therefore it delivered higher-edge items. Sovereign likewise had a superb procedure for inclining up creation of new items, which empowered it to move from configuration to large scale manufacturing about twice as quick as Johnson Controls could, keeping up more excellent levels while speeding process durations. Johnson gained from Prince and was soon ready to apply those focal points to its own items. For a case of the procedure enhancements a gaining organization can bring to the table, investigate paper mammoth Gannett. Gannett has a database of money related and nonfinancial measures for every one of its 85 papers; officials utilize this rich asset to decide best practices, both boosting income and bringing down expenses. Larry Miller, Gannetts CFO, clarifies, We have had the option to drastically improve the papers weve purchased. The key for us is knowing in exact moment detail how to maintain a business. Thi

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Basic entitlements - Essay Example â€Å"Unfortunately, there are numerous creatures out there who are ignored and abused† (Wilson). There are different ways, which cause creature misuse or mercilessness. A portion of the ways incorporate chasing, animal testing, hide exchanging, utilization of animals in sports, production line cultivating, and utilization of creatures for diversion purposes. A few different ways of indicating brutality towards creatures are named as dynamic pitilessness in which an individual or a gathering of individuals purposefully harms a creature. For instance, there is a game played in Spain in which an individual battles with a bull and torments the bull til' the very end. This is an extremely upsetting and remorseless conduct towards creatures. To dispense with such practices and different types of brutality, basic entitlements activists speak more loudly. This is the most exceptional level of creature remorselessness, which should be paid attention to by the basic entitlements activi sts as well as by the legislature of such nations where such episodes occur.Let us take another case of creature savagery. A dairy bovine must conceive an offspring every now and again so as to have the option to create milk. In today’s cultivating industry, the dairy bovines are made pregnant by manual semen injection with the goal that they can conceive an offspring consistently. The length of pregnancy for a bovine is equivalent to people, that is, nine months. Along these lines, conceiving an offspring consistently is a tedious activity for a dairy animals. Additionally, in certain nations, individuals give unique medications to their cows and goats that make these creatures produce milk substantially more than they can deliver normally. Despite the fact that, utilization of such medications makes bovines produce more milk, they antagonistically influence the psychological and physical wellbeing of cows. At the point when the creation of milk is more prominent than the am ount of calcium made in the cows’ body, it causes calcium inadequacy. Likewise, these dairy animals are additionally butchered for human utilization exactly when they arrive at the age of 2 to 3 years. Zoo creatures are another case of the infringement of basic entitlements. In certain nations, there is no legitimate administration of zoological parks and creatures are not given appropriate eating routine that they have to stay sound. This is an extraordinary infringement of basic entitlements since individuals acquire cash through creatures that they hold under guardianship however don't give required consideration towards their eating regimen and wellbeing. In indigenous habitats, creatures are allowed to eat their ideal food yet when they are kept in zoos, they don't feel free and this influences their dietary patterns as well. Creatures are additionally used to move overwhelming baggage starting with one spot then onto the next. Creatures are creatures, they can't disapprove of their proprietors and regardless of whether they give some opposition because of shortcoming, their proprietors beat them and compellingly make them convey overwhelming burdens. This is an exceptionally cruel case of the infringement of basic entitlements. Summarizing it, it is extremely insensitive to damage the privileges of creatures. The demonstrations like utilizing creatures for conveying substantial burdens, keeping them in zoos, and utilizing fake intends to make them produce more milk fall under the

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Cloud Encryption Challenges and Recommendations

Cloud Encryption Challenges and Recommendations Before 2000, Cloud was merely a word that caused people to raise their heads and look to the sky for signs of rain.After all, no one wants to be left soggy for forgetting to carry their umbrella on what was supposed to be a sunny forecast.Today, the word translates to “Data Storage”, thanks to the information age.If you aren’t familiar with the term, here are critical statistics by Tech Jury that will change your entire perception of it.By 2020, 67% of companies will enter a cloud-based networkThe average person that is connected to the internet uses 36 cloud-designated services without their knowledge.The public cloud market generated $130 billion in 2017 aloneCloud-based applications have tripled from 2013 to 20162020 will see 83% of an entire company’s workload transfer entirely on cloud adoption80% of companies have reported a positive operation improved from adoption cloud technologyNow we understand why ‘Cloud’ went from being a naturally occurring phenomenon to a t echnology slang in the last 19 years.But how much of cloud technology do you really know?Before Cleverism demonstrates the importance of cloud encryption, it’s critical to understand what ‘Cloud’ really is.CLOUD? WHAT MAKES THE TECH INDUSTRY REVOLVE AROUND THIS BUZZWORD?You’ve heard these terms like â€" “Cloud networks” “Cloud encryption” “Cloud-based systems”. Until now you assumed it was a word that didn’t matter to your life since your work isn’t affiliated around technology.That’s where you are wrong. Cloud service is a technology everyone must be familiar with as it’s beginning to make a big impact globally in the future.Cloud computing translates to storing your personal data â€" image and video files, software, applications, and other multimedia resources that you possess with a third-party service. Cloud service is like Microsoft Office as they are both parts of Sofware-as-a-service(SaaS).With cloud computing, you no longer require space on your d evice to store information. The service provider does this job for you.Take Gmail for example, all your inbox emails, and attachments that you send are stored in the ‘Google Cloud Platform’ that hosts Gmail. Switching through multiple devices is seamless, continue working on where you left off without the hassle of transferring data.Cloud-based services provide an instant solution for people requiring a quick means to multitask without worrying about storage and data transfer.Ran out of charge when sending a message through Whatsapp on your smartphone? No problem! the message isn’t deleted and when you log back in, your progress is saved. The same applies to your email and other forms of software.Businesses store large amounts of valuable data on cloud-based vendors to eliminate the need to oversee and manage their own server hardware.All of this is possible without the necessary cost to accommodate physical hardware by paying an upfront monthly or annual fee to third-party cl oud vendors.The famous line from a dying Uncle Ben uttered to Spiderman comes into play here â€"   “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility”.That is essentially where Cloud Encryption plays such a critical role.CLOUD ENCRYPTION: THE NEED OF THE HOUR AND ITS CHALLENGESWhile cloud technology has undoubtedly changed the way we access data, the threats of a data breach have evolved with it.To better understand cloud encryption, let’s understand what encryption is.What is Encryption?When we store data, encryption is the ideal method used to store this data in an encoded layout to keep it safe from data thefts. The only way to access this data is through accessing the decryption key.Decryption is directly inverse to encryption.Without encryption, the data is known as ‘plaintext’ in computing.Encryption is widely used to keep unauthorized parties from stealing sensitive user data. Encryption is an end-to-end method used to safeguard various areas of digital space.Here are a few examples where you might have found encryption in play.Websites â€" Have you ever glanced at a ‘Lock’ symbol next to a website URL?The symbol means the website uses encryption to keep your data safe. When we click the lock, it opens an encryption method popularly used for websites known as Secure Sockets Layer(SSL).When data is transferred between you and the receiver(website), it passes via plenty of other machines to get there. The SSL encryption method keeps your data safe until it reaches the website.Digital Certificates â€" How do you verify if a website is truly authentic? Digital certificates.These digital certificates carry information related to the website owner and contain the company name and the certificate authority. The digital certificates are encrypted and prevent unauthorized sources of tampering with the details.Payment Portals â€" Similar to websites, payment portals are where customers enter their sensitive information related to credit cards and other m ethods of payment. These are high-priority areas where encryption comes into play to ensure no one steals your information.Electronic Devices â€" By default, your smartphones, and most new-age gadgets are encrypted to ensure your private data isn’t leaked to the internet by hackers.Now that we understand encryption, it’s time to understand how cloud encryption works and why it’s important.What is Cloud Encryption?Now that we learned about encryption in the previous section, cloud encryption is provided by 3rd party vendors to protect your sensitive data from theft.Many businesses usually choose their cloud vendor based on the past performances of how effectively their cloud encryption has stalled attacks.According to a report by Digital Guardian, a single data breach in 2019 can cost anywhere from 1.25 million to an alarming 8.19 million.We understand now why cloud encryption is such a critical aspect of cloud technology.Let’s assume you’ve got a smartphone and love taking pictures with it. Since most images are saved via Google Photos through cloud technology, it’s Google’s responsibility to provide cloud encryption to your images.Now let’s say Google was involved in the largest data breach the world has ever seen â€" Ask yourself, would you be alright to find your personal images floating around the internet for no fault of your own?That’s why cloud encryption plays such an important role in providing security and unfortunately, it’s nowhere close to failproof.In the next section, we’ll discuss some of the biggest challenges posed by cloud encryption.TOP CHALLENGES OF CLOUD ENCRYPTIONAccording to a report published by Cloud Research Partners, there are several security concerns related to cloud encryption.About 1,900 top cybersecurity professionals from LinkedIn have listed the following challenges from their survey â€"67% of data loss and leakage61% of threats to data privacy53% of breaches of confidentiality62% misconfiguration of clo ud platforms55% of employee misuse50% of insecure APIsEven with all the above challenges, the LinkedIn professionals concluded that cloud encryption is still the most secure platform today. Let’s take everyday cloud encryption challenges that service providers and consumers face.1. Encryption Key ManagementRemember in the previous section, we discussed how encryption utilizes a unique key when securing data? The biggest challenge in any technology is safeguarding those keys from falling into the wrong hands. When a data stream is intercepted by hackers, the entire encryption process is rendered useless and your sensitive information is out in the open.The choice of storing encrypted keys between the cloud consumer or the cloud vendor is an ongoing issue of debate.Some organizations prefer to manage the keys themselves as they believe their customers are likely to lose them with poor protection on their devices.Others prefer handing over the responsibility of the key management ove r to the customer in fear that if their cloud servers are hacked, the customers are liable to file charges for data theft.Key storage is a matter of great distress for cloud vendors and consumers alike. 2. Data Theft in Rest State Data that remains in the user’s hard drive is known as rest state or when there isn’t any activity taking place.Most users assume that unless they are sending their data over to a cloud vendor, data in a rest state is usually safe and doesn’t have to be encrypted.To give you a better understanding of how data theft takes place.Let’s demonstrate an example.Assuming you log on to Amazon to buy a product. After finalizing and adding the product to the cart, you hit ‘Checkout’ and are moved to the payment portal page.You perform all the security checks to see if the ‘SSL certificate’ is valid and that you’re on a secured connection.After confirming the site is secure, you process the payment and complete your purchase. A few hours later, you receive an alarming notification from your financial institution stating that your remaining funds have been transferred.In a fit of panic, you wonder how this could be possible even after taking safety precautions?Well, the answer is easy. The data you sent to Amazon was intercepted directly from your computer and hence, your payment details were retrieved by hackers through your hard drive. Many users save their credentials via Browser password managers, notepads, etc. and hence, fall prey to interception.This is where cloud service providers find it incredibly difficult to come up with new cryptography solutions when setting up their cloud network.3. Distinct Cloud PlatformsOn the cloud platform, you’ll come across 3 different models â€"1. Software as a Service (SaaS)The cloud platform hosts various software and applications to be made available to those with access.2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)Computer infrastructure provided by the cloud vendor with components relatin g to servers, hardware, storage drives, data centers, and other network peripherals.3. Platform as a Service (PaaS)A complete resource environment that provides development tools and cloud-based applications related to database management, web development, testing, updating, building, and deployment.As you may have already guessed, each model requires its own form of encryption. Not all cloud vendors are perfect, and they may not be equipped to deal with incoming threats leading to a data breach.Cloud vendors often find it hard to maintain and upgrade their security solutions to cover all 3 models of the cloud platform.Due to the complexity of the encryption, if even a single model was subjected to low-level encryption, the entire security platform is at risk.BEST PRACTICES TO FOLLOW FOR EFFICIENT CLOUD ENCRYPTIONThe Cloud Security Alliance offers the following advice to protect data from being stolen.Data Encryption During Rest State All data that is transferred via cloud must be e ncrypted beforehand even in its rest state and then transferred to the cloud service provider.As a consumer, if you have data on your computer, utilizing an application like BitLocker or Filevault offers complete protection of data even when saved to your PC.BitLocker is a free inbuilt Microsoft application that encrypts all data on your hard drives. The software can be activated by users running Windows 7 up to the latest Windows 10. Once enabled, the program disables data editing without your permission and protects your personal data even if you’ve accidentally transferred malware.Filevault is the Mac variant of BitLocker that protects your Apple device from any form of unauthorized access. The software requires you to log in every time you boot up your Mac. This ensures that your Mac is protected right from the time it starts up and prevents any information from being stolen.Prevent AccessibilityCloud vendors shoulder the responsibility of the consumer’s data during storage. Hence, it’s necessary for cloud vendors to ensure long randomly generated keys are set up to make it less likely for data to be accessed.Limiting accessibility and utilizing approved algorithms is the way to go when storing large amounts of data. Firmware must remain updated and all software must be regulated to ensure there isn’t any weak encryption management.Outline Your RequirementsAs a consumer, it’s easy to get lost in the alluring words of a cloud vendor offering the best protection for your data.However, understanding the type of encryption offered by the cloud vendor can make the biggest difference in protecting your data.Another aspect that must be considered is your personal needs. Every cloud vendor provides various levels of protection for your data and it’s necessary to pick the right encryption.For example â€" you may only want to store account credentials and not your entire data with a cloud vendor, a simple HTTPS cloud vendor is easy on your wallet. On the other hand, if you desire complex end-to-end encryption to store code, software, and other sensitive data, then a complete encryption key management is necessary.LastPass is a great example that offers protection for your account credentials in the form of local-only encryption. The master password is stored in an encrypted form on your computer and only the owner has access to their data. LastPass doesn’t store any information on their servers to prevent a data breach.Continuous Response TestingIt’s necessary for the cloud vendor to always be in a continuous test mode to check for vulnerabilities that may arise in the system. Cloud vendors that perform their system tests once in a year are likely to fall prey for attacks.A cybersecurity assessment that is conducted weekly provides adequate time to stay updated with the latest cloud security trends.Deletion of Customer Data After Contract PeriodCloud vendors are obliged to delete all data after their consumer has ended the cont ract.Any data that is left on the cloud servers are subject to being stolen.It’s in the best interests of the cloud vendor to provide data deletion at a click of a button to either the consumer or the vendor themselves.The customer should be sent an intimation notice via email just before their contract ends to ensure they have time to renew the contract or transfer their data.Encryption at All LevelsFor optimum cloud security, data should always be protected.Transitional SecurityEnd-to-end data transfer should be completely secured with no third-party access. Cloud vendors must ensure their SSL transmissions are failproof.All transmissions must be maintained to end inside the cloud network by the provider to eliminate outside intrusions.Storage SecurityData in a storage state must remain encrypted to eliminate any risk of a breach.Field-level encryption must be provided to ensure the consumer chooses the required layers they’d like to encrypt. Changing the keys routinely is a g ood way to ensure stored data is safe.Compliance Certified Cloud VendorsCompliance certifications are necessary for cloud vendors to operate. Cloud consumers must ensure they’ve checked if their cloud vendor has the following essential certification â€"DSS Certification â€" Data Security Standards or DSSPCI Certification â€" Payment Card Industry or PCISOC 2 The PCI Security Standards Council makes the following 2 security standards necessary for cloud vendors to eliminate the risk of data theft.The model framework demonstrates the critical rules for vendors to follow such as validated SSL certificates on every payment portal page and providing streamlined encryption for the consumers.Cloud vendors that have the SOC 2 certification demonstrate that they uphold the highest layers of encryption for their consumers.Users should ensure they pay attention to the following certifications when choosing their cloud vendors.CONCLUSIONCloud encryption may sound scary at first but when the r ight steps are taken, it’s the most secure form of data protection on the planet.The attacks on well-known industrial and retail websites have deterred consumers from choosing cloud as their preferred storage.Much of the attacks are due to negligence and human error and not by the system of cloud encryption itself.Are you a stern believer in cloud encryption? Comment below and let us know.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Social Policy Child Support - 1735 Words

Social Policy: Child Support Caroline Nguyen California State University, Long Beach CDDS 408 Individual Child Study Guidance November 7, 2016 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into a current legislation and conduct background research, and inform the legislator of my own views on this issue. This paper will also provide the effect of the Family and Consumer Sciences mission, through social policy and legislative channels, in regards to children and families tied to concerns surrounding them and their communities. Through this paper, I will be conducting research on California Family Code Section 3900: Duty of Parent to Support Child as well as the subsections that follows under this chapter (3901 3902). I will provide an insight on how unemployment and poverty affect non-custodial parents as well as the role strain of child support on fatherhood. Social Policy: Child Support Summary: Family Code Section 3900-3902 ( Under Family Code Section 3900, the legislation states that the father and mother of a minor child have an equal responsibility to support their child in the manner suitable to the child’s circumstances as well as the parent’s circumstances and station in life. Family Code 3901(a) followed by Section 3900 that the duty of support of a parent continues to unmarried child who has reached the age of 18 years, is a full-time high school student, and who is not self-supporting, until the time the childShow MoreRelatedAssess the Extent to Which Social Policies Reflect and Support the Traditional Nuclear Family (24 Marks)776 Words   |  4 PagesAssess the extent to which social policies reflect and support the traditional nuclear family (24 marks) A social policy refers to the plans and actions of government agencies, such as health, welfare benefits, schools etc. These can often be used by politicians to promote certain family structures, which they believe to be ‘ideal’. There are many examples of policies which the government use to try and promote the traditional nuclear family which is commonly seen as the family ideology. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Review Of Invisible Horizon True Mysteries Of The Sea

Review of Literature I. Introduction to the Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a legendary mythological section of the Atlantic Ocean, made up of triangle formed by Miami, Florida; San Juan Puerto Rico; and the islands of the Bahamas. The triangle cover about five-hundred thousand (500,000) square miles of the ocean. The phrase â€Å"Bermuda Triangle† was first coined by Vincent H. Gaddis. He was writing an article for Argosy magazine back in 1964. The article was received exceptionally well by audiences and, due to its success, was later expanded to be published into his book entitled â€Å"Invisible Horizon: True Mysteries of the Sea†. The book was published in 1965, and included nine (9) accounts if this phenomenon in extensive†¦show more content†¦Then an unusual light appeared in the distance a few weeks later at sea. This great light is believed to be a meteor. It was also recorded that the ship Christopher Columbus was sailing on had erratic compass readings. Som e scientists equate the off compass reading to the fact that maybe at one time a sliver of The Triangle was one of the rare places on Earth where true north and magnetic north matched up, but this will be explained further later. Some scholars believe that William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tempest† was created from an actual Bermuda Triangle wreckage of a ship. The Tempest is a story of a brutal storm that collided with an English ship (the Sea Venture) heading for Jamestown in 1609. The crew of this ship were stranded on a desolate island in the Bahamas for a lengthy period of time. This story did not bring an ample amount of attention to The Triangle, until the twentieth (20th) century. II. Boneyard of the Atlantic Ocean The Bermuda Triangle is an infamous location that is famous for its wrecks-weather that be plane or ship. The USS Cyclops (United States Ship Cyclops) vanished in March of 1918. This was a ship that was a casualty of warfare, but Flight 19 became the most notorious. Flight 19 is one of most famous plane crashes affiliated with the Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19 had fourteen (14) men onboard December fifth (5th) 1945 at two ten in Review Of Invisible Horizon True Mysteries Of The Sea Review of Literature I. Introduction to the Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a legendary mythological section of the Atlantic Ocean, made up of triangle formed by Miami, Florida; San Juan Puerto Rico; and the islands of the Bahamas. The triangle cover about five-hundred thousand (500,000) square miles of the ocean. The phrase â€Å"Bermuda Triangle† was first coined by Vincent H. Gaddis. He was writing an article for Argosy magazine back in 1964. The article was received exceptionally well by audiences and, due to its success, was later expanded to be published into his book entitled â€Å"Invisible Horizon: True Mysteries of the Sea†. The book was published in 1965, and included nine (9) accounts if this phenomenon in extensive detail. In December of 1967, Gaddis’ book was in the lime light because of a National Geographic Society news release. Numerous newspapers headlined stories about the Bermuda Triangle also in that December. La ter, in 1968, T he Triangle was a cover story for Argosy, as well as in the book â€Å"Limbo of the Lost† (1969) written by John Wallace Spencer, and in a documentary motion picture called â€Å"The Devil’s Triangle†. Charles Berliz wrote a book titled â€Å"The Bermuda Triangle†, it was an instant hit! Later it was discovered that some of the assertions were fabricated, and proved to be incorrect. It may come as a surprise, but Christopher Columbus was actually one of the firsts to everShow MoreRelatedReview Of Invisible Horizon True Mysteries Of The Sea 1676 Words   |  7 PagesReview of Literature I. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Customer Outreach Representative Free Essays

As assigned as a bilingual representative, handle Spanish line calls and related activities. Essential Functions Actively participate in the retention and attainment of servicing account vole me through the consistent delivery’ of excellent internal and external customer service. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Outreach Representative or any similar topic only for you Order Now Communicate with student loan borrowers/ endorsers using the Borrower Services call model, department policies and procedures, and online tools. Identify the reason(s) t he borrower is having or may have difficulty maintaining their student loan account in good standing g. Present solutions hat are suited to the borrower’s situation, with an emphasis on long term sol suctions. 3. Effectively counsel borrowers/ endorsers. Share critical information regarding their rights and responsibilities, the benefits of maintaining their account in good standing, an d the consequences of default. 4. Verify and obtain new demographic information during contacts with borrow errs and others. 5. Secure the information and documentation necessary to qualify borrowers of r payment plans, deferments, and forbearance’s. 6. Keep up to date with department policies and procedures. 7. Assist in the investigation of difficult and problem accounts. Follow and/ or take the appropriate action to resolve the concern. 8. Initiate feedback to Borrower Services Supervisor(s) with ideas to improve pro ceases. 9. Document communication and borrower commitments. 10. Contribute to a positive work environment. 11. Perform additional tasks related to the resolution and maintenance of deadline .NET student loan accounts. Borrower Borrower Seer vicesCustomer Outreach Representative. Doc (09/06/2013) Physical Demands of Position High frequency talking, hearing, near vision, keyboard entry and sitting. Environmental/Working Conditions of Position Inside office or work from home environment Equipment Used Various computer, printing, and telecommunications equipment such as telex hone, headset, computer, copiers, and printers along with other workstation tools. How to cite Customer Outreach Representative, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Analysis of Robert Frosts Departmental Essay Example For Students

Analysis of Robert Frosts Departmental Essay Departmental by Robert Frost is a poem written in rhymed couplets with three beats per line (trimeter). Throughout the poem, Frost uses poetic devices such as personification, allusion, rhyme, and alliteration. The poem as a whole serves as a metaphor for the way humans deal with issues like death. The poem begins with a description of a scene familiar to many, an ant on a tablecloth Then the ant bumps into a day drowsy moth that is much larger than him. The ant seems a tad bit jealous that the moth lacks the amount of responsibility that ants are burdened with. The ant thinks that if the moth were one of his own race hed chastise him and send him back to work. He describes how the ant society is much more sophisticated and intellectual than the likes of the moth. Their philosophy is to learn about religion, nature, and space. The ant then being concerned with his own duties hurries back to his own job. The ant subsequently runs into another ant carrying the body of one of their dead. The poem goes on to describe the ants treatment and procedures of the dead. The ants are not taken aback by the death isnt even given a moments arrest, seems not even impressed. However, word of the deceased is passed along among the ants, death has come to Jerry McCormick. They reflect briefly o n the life of Jerry, mentioning that he was a selfless forager. The dutiful priorities of the ants then kick in when they put out the call for a worker to attend to the body. Then the poem goes on to describe the burial process of the ant. Laying the body on a flower, wrapping him in a petal, and embalming him with the blood of the gods. These orders had been handed down from the Queen. The mortician ant arrives to carry away Jerry, and no one stands around to stare because it is not their business to. This type of thing happens every day in the ant world, so there is no use in dwelling or wasting time mourning one of their own. The poem ends by saying that you cant call the process ungentle, but realizes how detached and overly organized the whole progression is. The poet uses a number of poetic devices to enrich his poem. The most obvious device used is the rhyme scheme. The poem uses the aa, bb, cc, dd rhyme format. Frost uses personification to draw a correlation between ant life and human life. For example, the line he showed not the least surprise, gives the ant a human quality of emotion such as surprise. The author also uses several forms of allusion. Janizary is an allusion to an elite guard in the 14th century Turkish army, a sepal is an allusion to the outer-protective covering of a flower, and ichor is an allusion to a mythological word meaning the blood of the gods. This poem uses a few instances of alliteration as well. One example is the line and heaving him high in the air, with the repetition of the consonant sound h. Departmental may be taken as a humorous poem at first glance, but I feel that its comic elements serve as a means of portraying such serious matters as the unsighted effects of custom in a society and the lack o f concern of a group to an individual. In this poem the human race is viewed through the analogy of an ant hive, and we see the irrationality of societys adherence to a distant social edict by observing the ants as they discover the death of one of their coworkers. The author depicts with savage irony the government structured measures for handling Jerrys burial. Frost also illustrates the mortician ants somewhat cold professionalism, and the general indifference of the ant colony. If we imagine the ant colony as a microcosm for our own human society, the author reveals the similarity between the blurring effects of departmentalism among humans and the blindly emotionless functions of insect life. Examining the poem at this level, it may seem to lose its humor. However, this is a classic example of satire; the poem is humorous because it explores the likeness between ants and men thoroughly, but with detached amusement.