Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency A Sociological Approach - 1408 Words

A juvenile delinquent is an individual under the age of eighteen years old who fails to abide by the law. When identifying the causes of juvenile delinquency society can slow down or prevent the behavior by using strategies. The quality of peers, family, parenting, community and school area can all be predictors of juvenile delinquency. Theories help us explain why juveniles are engaging in delinquent behavior and it is important to understand why because it helps us explain the motives for their actions. Reckless’s theory, Hirchi’s theory, labeling theory, and Agnew’s theory all seek to explain why delinquency happens mostly in the lower class societies. In the movie Boyz n The Hood by John Singleton there are many social factors that†¦show more content†¦The stronger the inner and outer control the more likely one is to conform to society’s norms. The Upper and middle classes usually have a good self-esteem compared to the lower class because t hey have stronger inner and outer containments. Therefore, the lower class has a weaker inner and outer containment that causes negative outcomes like low self-esteem, poor choices and delinquent behavior. For example, Doughboy from the movie â€Å"Boyz n The Hood† has no inner containment because he has no self-control, self-concept or internalization of social norms. He doesn’t have the ability to resist temptations because his low self-esteem was encouraged by his weak outer containment. He comes from a single family home and his mother talks him down, which caused him to have no hope for his future. He constantly reinforces the label of â€Å"good for nothing† that was given to him by his own mother. He has no love, support, encouragement or guidance to succeed in life. He lives in a poor neighborhood, has delinquent friends, he’s a high school drop out, he is not involved in no activities, sports or clubs therefore he lacks a person to look at as an example or to mentor him. Hirchi’s social bond theory describes the social bond that connects a person to the basic values and expected values of society. When the bond is weakened then people commit crime. This social bond is constructed in early childhood

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